Our Code Of Conduct
Members, Visitors & Guests of Dicky Beach Surf Club
The purpose of this Code is to provide members, guests, and visitors with guidance on the standards of behavior that are expected of them while they are on the club premises so as to ensure everyone can enjoy amenities provided by the club in a safe, enjoyable, and responsible manner.
The Code demonstrates the shared commitment by the club management and members, guests, and visitors working together to achieve a social environment that enhances members, guests and visitors’ enjoyment of the club’s facilities and services.
The authority of the Code is vested in the Constitution, in particular the provisions relating to visitation and membership. In the event of an inconsistency, provisions contained in the Constitution take precedence over the Code.
Access to the club is a privilege to be cherished and safeguarded. Accordingly, members, guests and visitors shall:
- Respect the rights of others to enjoy the club’s facilities and services to the fullest extent.
- Interact with each other and with the employees in a courteous manner.
- Refrain from behaviour that undermines the health, and wellbeing of other patrons.
- Show due consideration to the needs of others, including their right to privacy.
- Comply with club policies, signage, and lawful directions of employees.
- Access the club with proper identification and fulfill sign-in requirements, if applicable.
- Ensure children are always accompanied by a responsible adult whilst on club premises.
- Abide by the dress code of the club (available upon request).
- Not bring food or drinks on the club premises for consumption on the premises.
- Not bring or have in their possession illegal materials while on club premises.
- Handle property belonging to the club with care and diligence.
- Refrain from representing the club, unless properly authorised to do so.
- Not pursue personal activities on club premises, without prior permission.
- Not deliberately tarnish the reputation of the club or bring it into disrepute.
The Code applies to members, guests and visitors when they are on club premises. Subject to legal considerations, interpretation of the principles by the Management Committee is final.
The Code will be actively monitored by the club. If a breach occurs and can be proven, the club will initiate disciplinary action against the relevant member(s), guest(s) and/or visitor(s) concerned, which may include warnings, withdrawal of certain privileges, and suspension or termination of membership (if applicable). Any disciplinary action under the Code will be in accordance with the Constitution and laws applicable to the club.
Please contact the General Manager for more information or any clarification on the Code.